

We know that your original application to the School was for the one-year MA and that at the time of application you would not have had the opportunity to consider the MFA option. We would like to give you that chance now. If you are interested in this new option we would like to invite you to speak with the Course Leader, Dr Simon , to discuss your application and the MFA further. To do this, please reply to this email, (copying Dr Simon in to your reply.) We will then arrange a short telephone interview with you.
老师,我主要是不明白括号里的那句话,意思是我在回复邮件的时候要复制 Dr Simon吗?还是意思是我要给Dr Simon发邮件呢?

邮件里有个抄送,英语简写就是cc,意思就是carbon copy
你这段话里的括号里的句子,就是让你回复的时候把邮件也抄送给Dr. Simon咯(这样他们都能收到邮件).