shot above our heads
shot above our heads
- pls never say we would have no chance to restore our relationship once again cuz never is a long word and it is a long road that has no turn.and people always say when God closes the door he will open a window for you.So pls give it a shot because we appreciated each other's value and bright points back then.what if you say so to the one you've been head over heels with on Feb 14?good translation!however,i am asking for advice on such an issue "what i
- 英语翻译金融方面中文是英文的参考资料(请问文中的facility分别是什么意思?有信贷额度的意思吗?)我司欲向贵行要求申请L/C额度,必须符合以下其中条件 A.L/C额度的100%押金,或 B.部份L/C额度的押金及 部份要员人寿保险之保额,或 C.部份L/C额度的押金及 部份物业抵押 等等。总之是100%的等值抵押。it is not necessary for the facility to be "100%" secured by tangible security.As mentioned in 1 above,all criteria would be assessed and granting of facilities would be subject to our normal credit approval procedures.
- Well,let’s put our heads together and find ___ to the problem
- 2.Well,let’s put our heads together and find ___ to the problem.
- Let's put our heads together and decide on a plan of action.
- In front of our house stands a tall tree,____top well above the tops of other trees.
- 什么是幸福 英语作文你们班就“什么是幸福?”进行了一次讨论,学生们发表了自己的看法,他们认为:1认真学习就是幸福;父母总是关心他们的生活与健康就是幸福.2.有时他们做错了事,周围的人会帮助他们改正,他们感到幸福.3.你同意同学们的看法,你认为当你做······你也会感到幸福.注意:1.必须包括所以内容要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯;2.第3点的内容须用3、4句话展开合理想象,适当发挥;词数80个左右3.由于本人只是一个初二的学生,所以不用写得太深奥,意思简单一点就行了,简洁明了.开头结尾已给出:Happiness is for everyone.················································结尾:All the above is our happiness.We can find that happiness is always around us.
- 英语阅读2篇What do you do to relax?Do you watch TV?Do you read a book?Or do you listen to music?How many of us actually play a musical instrument?How many of us go to concerts?How important is music in our lives?What kind of music do we like? The survey above shows the musical habits of a few of our readers.Interestingly,fourteen people out of the twenty questioned actually play a musical instrument,while only six people don’t.Out of these,ten people prac
- 求助英译汉,主要是against这里的用法we hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty as per the General Conditions of Contact for the goods offered for supply by the above firm against this Invitation for tenders
- 英语翻译The world moves so quickly nowadays.With so many daily responsibilities,some of us can hardly keep our heads above water.Should we make time for studying or appreciating the arts?Many people would say the arts are nice,but not necessary.In school,students should focus on languages,math and science.Painting,drama and music are frills.After graduation,listening to Mozart won't lead you to a better-paying job.Not everyone needs to experience Sharkesp
- 假如把地球穿一个洞,贯穿地心,如果一个人跳下去会发生什么现象?
- 原来每两个彩灯之间的距离是30米,现在改为45米,如果开始的一盏不移动,至少再隔多远又会有一盏彩灯