some feeling you may only have once in a lifetime, it is like words carved in a cliff, never changed ever since. it company us through every strange city, every unfamiliar street, every corner.whenever we are alone..those people, those things, would emerge in our mind, worm or sad,or merely an once.
There are some feelings, which we can only have once, for our entire lives. They are like words carved on rocks, which have never changed since the beginning. They are companing us while we go through every unknown cities, every unknow streets, every corners. When we are lonely...these people, these memories, will flash in our mind, warm or sad, or just something that has ever happened!~
Some sense of life, only once, as they carved on the old quarry area on the characters from the beginning has not changed, they accompanied each of us through a strange city, every unfamiliar streets, every corner, We are lonely time ... those people, those things will be in the minds of the scenes, warm or sad, or just once! ~