

Based on the latest SPICE 3f5/XSpice standards,mixed-signal simulation allows you to accurately model the behavior of both analog and digital elements of your design,and fine tune circuit performance.Simulation models are attached to each component in your design.These models,combined with the connectivity defined in the schematic,are used to simulate the operational characteristics of your circuit.
Simulations are set up and run directly from the schematic editor,ensuring a smooth flow from design to simulation.Available analyses include operating point,transient and Fourier,AC small signal,noise,pole-zero,transfer function,and DC,temperature and parameter sweeps.

根据最新的香料3f5/xspice标准 混合信号仿真模型,让您能够准确模拟和数字两种行为要件您设计、 巡回演出和微调. 仿真模型,夹在你每部分设计. 这些模式,结合