Having waited in the queue for half an hour,the old man suddently realized he had left his wallet


Having waited in the queue for half an hour,the old man suddently realized he had left his wallet
After he ______________,the old man suddently realized he had left his wallet

had waited in the queue for half an hour
请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可,be surprised at��be surprised with ��be surprised in�к����be surprised at����ԭ�� ������be surprised with ���ض��� �˻�������be surprised in һ���doing sthΪʲô����˵û��be surprisedin��in����һ�̶ֹ����䣬 ��û˵���ܸ�in ����Having waited ������״�ﲻӦ����realized ͬʱ�������ش�����Ҳ��������ڷִʵ����ʽ�Ͳ��DZ���档