Upon seeing an apple fall while walking,Isaac Newton was struck with an idea.His new concept was that the same force that pulled the apple to the ground guides the moon.This simple story about Newton exemplifies what makes a great mind.Great minds like Newton’s just seem to be always open to new ideas.It is almost automatic for them.A bright idea often occurs to them even when it seems very odd.They understand with certainty that there is logic to be found even within the most unusual idea.Then they hold onto the idea.They turn it over and over in their mind until that element of logic reveals itself.This process involves combining what you know with what you experience in the world around you.In contrast,many very smart people have labored over one great idea throughout their lives.In the end though,they are unable to unlock the mystery of what it takes to be a genius.What is it that they have omitted in their search?They have simply forgotten to observe the new combinations being formed in the unconscious.They have employed only their conscious mind without giving time for their unconscious mind to provide the answers.This is particularly true of those who work too hard.They might be well advised to take a little walk every once in a while.
当在走路的时候看到掉落的苹果,牛顿突然有了一个想法,他的想法是,作用在苹果上的力 同样作用在月亮上,虽然是一个简单的故事,但是却有了伟大的想法,就像牛顿 好像总是对任何事情都保留着开放的看法.就好象他们是自动...