

在我个人印象中,福音不是波澜壮阔的殿堂合唱,就是抑扬顿挫的层次叠加,或者如Anointed般灵动,或者如5 Young Men般跳脱,我不得不承认自己所知有限.聆听这张专辑,让我对福音又多了一种感触,这种感觉有点类似于当初听到Tony Rich和Tony!Toni!Toné!的专辑,如同浑噩之间呡了一口绿茶般清新淡雅.11首曲目,不多不少,尽管大部分是和声清唱,但每一首旋律的灌注都像一个熟练的医生将定心剂缓缓注入心田,渗透到每一条经脉,不疾不徐地扩张你的毛细管,让你遍体通泰.不像那些对耶稣感恩戴德口无遮拦地大声疾呼,也没有那种初生牛犊不怕虎的大胆颠覆,这张专辑给我的感觉就是平和淡定,将一些感悟的瞬间巧妙捕捉,然后娓娓道来.smooth gospel!

In my impression,gospel songs are either grand choirs in halls or melodious build-ups.They can be as lively as Anointed,or as free-spritied as the 5 Young Men.I have to admit that my views are narrow.Listening to this album has added on to my understandings of gospel songs.It is kind of like the first time I listened to the albums by Tony Rich and Tony!Toni!Toné!.It is as refreshing as sipping green tea in the moment of feeling light-headed.11 sound tracks are just nice.Although most are acapella choirs,the making of the tune of each song is like a proficient doctor giving the patient tranquiliser that seeps into each part of the body,slowly dilating the capillaries and running through the whole body.The album is not like those rash shoutings that are supposed to demonstrate gratitude to the Lord,nor does it introduce audacious transformations.To me,this album presents tranquility and peace.It captures those fine moments of revelation and re-tell them in a soothing manner.smooth gospel!