Jim may not be a born farmer,but he gets by without too much trouble.not that he has had it easy.that first hard winter he faced must have left him the temptation to give up and go back to the city but he managed to get through it without los ing heart.He is picked up a lot of skills since then and some real improvements to his farm,though without much laborsaving machinery,aside from that old rotary cultivator.i suspect he does notmake all that much,though he does have his writing to supplement what little profit he makes from the farm.I gusee he does it primarily for the quality of life.
Jim也许不是一块天生适合当农夫的料,但是他没历经多少困难就学会了农艺. 不过这也并不是说他轻而易举的就掌握了. (他当了农夫之后),那次头一个寒冷艰难的冬天已经快让他忍不住要放弃农场生活,想回到城里去. 但是他...