


  Two pockets
Prometheus created man and he hung two pockets in each of them around their necks.One of the pocket was full with others shortcomings,the other one was full with mine
He put the pocket that loaded others faults hanging in his chest,the other that loaded own faults was hanging behind his back.Because of this,it is easy that men are quickly seeing the faults of others,however,they are often blinding to their own.
This story explained that people often like to find faults with others,while ignoring their own shortcomings.
  翻译:  普罗米修斯创造了人,又在他们每人脖子上挂了两只口袋,一只装别人的缺点,另一只装自己的.他把那只装别人缺点的口袋挂在胸前,另一只则挂在背后.因此人们总是能够很快地看见别人的缺点,而自己的却总看不见.这故事说明人们往往喜欢挑剔别人的缺点,却无视自身的缺点.所以,我们应学会正确认识自己,客观地评价别人,不臆断,不带偏见,全面地看待事物.