

今天许多人爱好旅游,人们无论走到那些风景名胜,如庙宇,老住宅和花园,到处都有对联(couplet).对联在中国的社会中无所不在.它们是节假日不可缺少的装饰品.每当春节来临,家家户户都会装饰上新的春联.两张红纸上面,用漂亮的书法(calligraphy)写上吉祥平安的文字(good omen:祥兆),贴在大门上大大增加了节日喜气洋洋的气氛.

Nowadays many people go in for travelling .No matter what places they go ,such as temples ,historical sites ,old houses or gardens ,they can find couplets here and there .Couplets are available everywhere in Chinese society .They serve as essential decorations during the festivals .When the Spring Festival falls ,every household will be decrocated with new spring scrolls .The words " Peace and Good omen " are written by calligraphy on the two pieces of red paper pasted on the doors ,which will bring a happy and prosperous atmosphere of the festivals .