“分手后 不能 做朋友 是因为 我还爱着你 希望你有真正理解我的那一天 ” 帮我翻译成英文


“分手后 不能 做朋友 是因为 我还爱着你 希望你有真正理解我的那一天 ” 帮我翻译成英文

After we break up, we can't be friends, because I still love you. Hope you would fully understand me one day.


After we left each other, we can not be friends; because I always love you, so I want at one day you can undertand my love...

We cannot be common friends after we depart, because I still love you. I hope that one day you can really understand me.

I can't just be a friend of yours after our break up because I still love you.Hope there is one day you could really understand me.
注意:不能说是in love with you,因为按你的问题字面来理解是你还爱他,而不是你们两人还是相爱的.还有break up 可以用作名词,所以我说 our break up,如果用作动词,应该是过去式哦!所以,楼上有位仁兄应该翻译为:after we broke up.

leaved you, and even can't be freinds any more, since my love is continuing. Longging for the day you really know me.

I hope you will understand sometimes later that after our breakup I can't just be a commom friend of yours because I am still in love with you.