英语翻译Steve,could you settle accounts your Arrears money before?史蒂夫,你可以结算下你以前的欠款吗?本人是希望知道这句话用英文怎么说:史蒂夫,你可以把以前欠我父亲的欠款结算下吗?那些百度翻译什么谷歌翻译的,自觉点,非诚勿扰!
Steve,could you settle accounts your Arrears money before?
Steve, your account with my father has been due for long time, can you pay the amounts due settlement?
Steve, could you settle the outstanding amount that you owe my father before?
Steve, could you settle the money which are owe my father before?
Steve, could you settle the money owe my father?
Steve,could you help to balance the payment for my father?
Steve, could you settle your old debt with father? or
Steve, could you pay off the money that you owed to my father?
settle up
也有付清, 还清欠款之意
我发个自己翻译的:Steve,could you settle up the bill that you owe my father before?
额,光看英语有点一头雾水.简单一点,用直白的英语说:Steve,could you pay off the balance of your account with my father?或者:Steve,I'd like to close the account you have with my father.Please pay off the...
Steve, could you pay back the money you owed my father?